Monday, May 5, 2014

I did it.

I did it. I quit academia.

I'm leaving this two-bit town and returning home. I'm prioritizing my personal life over work. I'm not sacrificing my home in order to be a professor.

It was a hard, hard decision, but I know it was the right one. I feel so relieved.

Of course, now I'm applying for anything and anything in my destination city, just to pay the rent. Wouldn't you know it? The first job interview I land is for a temporary contract as an academic researcher.

What??? I thought I quit academia???

I don't want the temp. I don't want the contracts. I don't want the world of academia where you're always supposed to do more. It's a big position and would be a challenge. I don't really feel like I want a challenge at this point. I'm a little burned out from this year's professorship. I kinda want to coast for a bit.   But the topic of this research? It's something I really, really believe in. I would be doing good.

I will go to the interview and see. I wish I didn't have to keep making the decision, but it seems that is how it might be.

On a happy note, I'M GOING HOME!!!  Ghad, I'm so happy to be leaving this town.

I don't know what the future holds for me, but I have a feeling it will be good, one way or another.

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