Saturday, April 26, 2014


They're screwing with me again. Every time I think I have things decided, they screw with me. Apparently they can do whatever they want to make my life hell because I'm an adjunct, and adjuncts are willing to put up with anything and everything in order to have their precious job.

I know, I know, dear Internet. You're saying, "he decided". Yeah, I did. But then they screwed with my mind again. They offered me something awesome. Then they took it away again. Then they asked me to just wait.

I hate this two-bit town. But maybe, just maybe, I could make it work if I set myself up right. This job is far from perfect, but it has a lot going for it all the same. If I could make it to tenure and make it mine, I could actually be here long term.

But I hate this two-bit town. Let's be honest, this town doesn't even have two bits. It's a one-bit town. It's dirty and grimy and gross. I have a job though.

I've been shipping out resumes to every semi-okay-ish position in the town I want to be in, for a month now. Nobody has contacted me. Moving back there with no job leads whatsoever scares the shit out of me. How hard is it to get a job from a distance though? Are they reading my resume and saying "yeah, but he's millions of miles away in that one-bit town"?

I need a crystal ball, I need a sign, I need a psychic, I need something to hang on to -- not that I believe in any of that, but oh how nice it would be. Just tell me what to do, dear Internet.

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