Sunday, March 23, 2014

Waffling. Should I stay or should I go?

It all seemed so clear a week ago. Since then, I seem to have found new perspective, for whatever reason.

The semester is beginning to wind down... or it will be very soon. Already, my workload has lightened up, as I don't have a whole semester looming ahead of me. The rest of the semester is prepped, with a few minor exceptions.

And THIS is what it will usually be like once I have my courses under me.  I'll have my material ready, my ppt prepard, damn, even my exams will be done and ready to roll, with only minor tweaking. It'll be a breeze, comparatively speaking.

If I want to do the professor thing, this is a decent place to do it. Tenure is pretty much a sure thing if you're doing a decent job. That means I could hunker down for the next year or two until things are solid, then the teaching will be a whole lot easier and I can actually do a bit of research, without the pressure of the big colleges. And I can have.... a life!  Ya think?

This city is not what I would choose, but I saw at that job talk that it could be a whole lot worse.  Maybe I can make this work. Maybe I should. Maybe this is what's best for me....

Dizzying. I wish I could stick with a decision.  Of course, if I stick with one decision and can't make it happen, that's not good, so maybe the waffling is a good thing. It means I'm open to many possibilities, and whatever works, works?

I think I'll go buy some waffles.

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